Transit Insurance/货运保险

2011年5月17日 in 船运报关
目前拥有八万五千多平方米的集装箱堆场及一万五千多平方米的仓库, 同时, 还拥有集卡车拖头四十余量及各种大小机械二十多台, 实行全电脑化联网操作, 并与港区联网, 实行全天候收货服务. 提供上海到中东各国(如阿巴斯、迪拜、多哈、利雅得等)的各类国际海运空运服务、以及DDU门到门服务,代理价格优势、服务周到,具体货盘请来电或邮件咨询 ,谢谢!Finetransit Freight Forwarding Company Limited is a worldwide sea/land and air transport agency and based in shanghai China. Based on the global network ,we can provide our customers the safety、quick、economical and reliable transportation service.
Services We areoffering as follow:服务范围如下:
1. Specializing sea/air freight deliver/专注于海运空运
2. Custom cliearance&declaration/出境报关及入境清关
3. warehousing&trucking&destribution/仓储、陆运、分拨
4. Handling Containerized Cargo Consolidation/海运及路运拼箱运输
5. Domestic Moving in china;including domestic shipping/内陆运输,包括江海联运及沿海船运。
6. Transit Insurance/货运保险
7. We are an experienced cargo deliver in Russian&Mongolian到俄罗斯及蒙古国货运。
8. Ex-work & DDU term`s delivery worldwide 世界范围的出厂到门运输
